While most companies were primarily concerned with securing liquidity during the past economic crisis, WLT decided at the time to act anti-cyclically and invest heavily. At the height of the crisis, not only were stocks increased, but a new logistics center was also planned, which was completed in 2012. With 2,000 new pallet spaces, 20,000 shelf containers and an innovative logistics concept, the perfect conditions were created to respond appropriately to the economic upturn and the associated increased demands on delivery readiness.

The concept includes significantly increased storage capacity, state-of-the-art warehouse technology, automatic storage location allocation, paperless picking, order-related partial picking and innovative conveyor technology for goods movements during storage and retrieval. Since then, WLT has been able to achieve logistics growth of around 70% while simultaneously reducing the error rate to almost zero. The declared aim here is: “To make the right product available to the right customer in the right quantity, of the right quality, in the right place, at the right time, at the right cost.” The logistics center therefore makes an important contribution to optimized customer service. In future, WLT's customers will benefit from even greater delivery readiness, faster processing and a significantly minimized error rate.